Implantation Bleeding

Many women have not heard of Implantation Bleeding and instead interpret it as a sign of a light period. It is mostly pinkish and watery in appearance, though it may also be a brighter red colour. For the majority of women, implantation bleeding settles and stops within a day or two, not to return.
Implantation bleeding occurs about a few days or a week before the scheduled time of a woman’s menstrual period. Even if only spotting occurs, its occurrence after a week of ovulation may indicate it to be implantation bleeding. However, if spotting occurs just before the usual time when a period is supposed to occur, it will most likely be just a menstrual period. - See more at:
Implantation bleeding occurs about a few days or a week before the scheduled time of a woman’s menstrual period. Even if only spotting occurs, its occurrence after a week of ovulation may indicate it to be implantation bleeding. However, if spotting occurs just before the usual time when a period is supposed to occur, it will most likely be just a menstrual period. - See more at:

It normally occurs 1 week  after Ovulation (that's 3 weeks after the start of last period). Which is why implantation bleeding can be confusing because it can be interpreted as a light period and a sign of not being pregnant.  Women who are keen to conceive can become very upset at the sight of any blood loss and interpret this as a negative sign.

Implantation is the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine lining.  This happens when the fertilized egg (now called a Blastocyst) has completed its travel through the fallopian tube and adheres to the lining if the uterus.  Implantation happens on average 9 days after ovulation and fertilization with a range of between 6 and 12 days.

The most normal pattern of menstrual bleeding is that it will start slowly and will gradually increase to heavier bleeding. menstrual bleeding will last for several days while implantation bleeding lasts for les than a whole day and is usually much less bleeding. - See more at:
An implantation bleed occurs even before the pregnancy has been confirmed. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin hormone (HCG) is the hormone which is detected in the pregnant mother’s urine. This is not produced until after the embryo has embedded in the uterus and there has been some very early development of the placenta. Which is why an implantation bleed occurs too early for even the most perceptive of couples to know with any certainty that they have created a baby.

Implantation Bleeding Period Bleeding
Scanty menstrual flow; on and off; spotty. Pattern is not normal. Light bleeding.  Normal flow; Light at first, then heavy, and then light again.
  Lasts a few hours to 1-2 days 3-5 days on average, can last up to 7 days
 Usually pinkish to brownish blood. No clots. Bright red blood. With a heavy flow, may include clots.
   Mild to moderate menstrual-like cramps.      Menstrual cramps.

If you think you are experiencing implantation bleeding, you can go ahead and test for pregnancy like you normally would.  If there is HCG present, then the test will come back positive. If there is no HCG present in the urine, it will come back negative.
If for some reason the test is negative but you do not continue to bleed as you would with your period, test in 2-3 days to give you body time to produce the HCG. If you still have not started your period within a week and you do not get a positive test result, you may want to contact your doctor and ask her how you should proceed as he or she may want you to have a blood test done to determine if you are pregnant.

Take the Implantation Quiz to find out if your 
bleeding or spotting is due to implantation